Defy Aging Norms
Add Decades of Thriving Health to Your Life

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Wave Goodbye to the Woes of Getting Old

Say Hello to Ageless Living
the Common-Sense Crunchy Way

Signs of aging start in your 30s and progress with time.
How do you want to live in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond?

Compounding health issues, immobility and suffering from the standard modern lifestyle and our ever-increasing toxic world is widely accepted as part of life.

Don’t accept these debilitating signs as “normal aging”.

Choose the Path of Ageless Eco Living with Homemade Health’s Roadmap & Support

Slow down or reverse aging, fill your days with thriving health, enthusiasm, joy, energy, activity, purpose and zest for life!

Homemade Health — A Common-Sense Crunchy, Home-Centered Approach to Ageless Living that Integrates:


Whole Food Plant-based

 holistic health


Minimize Environmental



Establish Healthy

modern feng shui principles

Hi! I’m Kris Francefort

Once weighed down by the Standard American Diet and modern lifestyle, I took charge at 45. I shed excess weight, broke free from caffeine and sugar addiction, and ditched a myriad of ailments. No surrender to the so-called “inevitable” aging slump. Now in my 60s, I’m rocking an Ageless-Eco journey, the Common-Sense Crunchy way! I now realize a profound truth: our well-being is intertwined with Earth, biologically and energetically. What’s good for us is good for the planet. Our health is in our hands – choosing wellness each step of the way nurtures us and Earth.

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Low-Tox Home Spring Refresh

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Activate Your Vagus Nerve for Stress Resilience

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